The 5 Minute Tech Break : Jan 25


It was "Blue Monday" this week but, any mention of Blue Monday in this office, means we ..
get out the dancing shoes to this 1982 classic from New Order


We'd love you to complete our quick fire survey on Mentoring (see below) - even if you don't use mentors ... 

Enjoy the read.


Mentoring Survey : We'd Love Your Help

Since launching last year we've provided mentoring services to a range of customers from around the world, helping with everything from how to negotiate a particular problem to career development strategies. 

We're now working on the expansion of our mentoring service and would love your feedback on mentoring as whole.

We've set up a quick fire survey of just 5 questions (2 mins).

Your insight will help us shape a service that can deliver the type of mentoring support you might need in the future.

Click here to take the survey.

Hiring Conundrum : Internal Promotion vs External Hire

Recruitment is a constant thorn in the side of any manager and in particular, if you're having to grapple with rapid growth.

We've all made hiring mistakes.  

Over promoted someone loyal, who couldn't cope.

Hiring a great CV but poor fit. 

This article looked at the primary considerations of internal vs. external hires.  

How Uber Makes Money

Having purchased more than my fair share of Uber Eat deliveries, it doesn't surprise me to hear that Uber's most profitable unit is their delivery one.

But one of the many fascinating elements of this increasingly omnipotent brand is to understand more about how and where they make any money, bearing in mind they burn through cash quicker than your average lottery winner.

This week, CB insights conducted a deep dive into the economics of the Uber business.  It makes for an interesting read for anyone interested in marketplaces and/or who has taken an Uber ride!

Microproductivity ... small habits, big gains

There is a phrase here in the UK that has become synonymous with the recent success of our GB cycling team, because it formed the backbone of their recent success, and has perforated into wider sporting and business circles ... 

"The aggregation of marginal gains"

... a concept based around finding 1% improvement in absolutely everything.  

Pioneered by GB cycling coach Dave Brailsford who stated that "The whole principle came from the idea that if you broke down everything you could think of that goes into riding a bike, and then improve it by 1 percent, you will get a significant increase when you put them all together"

Micro-productivity is another angle on a similar topic of how to achieve big targets via small gains.  

Breaking projects down into their component parts ".. helps us to see large tasks as more approachable and doable, and reduces our propensity to procrastinate or defer tasks, because we simply don’t know where to begin,” as quoted within this interesting article on the topic.


Quote of the week ...

"The secret to living well and longer is; eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure"  .... Tibetan Proverb

Ed: Looks like I'll have to cut down on my Uber Eats?

Time for us to get on our bikes ...

For you insatiable types who can't get enough of our '5 minute tech breaks', go visit our archives.

Until next time have a great weekend, and a fun filled week.


Watch this space .... CTO Academy is building the next phase of our platform.  

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