Newsletter #31 : Time Management, Shorter Hours, Bad Offices

Andrew Weaver
February 15, 2021
Hey Everyone!

I love Robert Smith of The Cure.
He is a poet.
One of my favourite songs from the The Cure is “Friday I’m In Love” and I have a different take of that song (pardon me, I am not a poet!)

Most often Mondays are slow because no one wants to work on a Monday. Tuesday? It’s a drag. Everything then heats up on a Wednesday as we’re hit by reality we have to work. Thursday’s gone with the wind. Friday’s a love-hate relationship.

But you still get what I mean?

As what Einstein said, “Time is relative” because time is dependent on our consciousness at a particular moment. Sometimes when we are faced with a backlog and we have a tight deadline for delivery, time flies by fast. When the meeting is boring, time then becomes slow. 

This week’s newsletter focuses on time and productivity. Let’s check out the articles below on how we can better manage time!

Kat and the CTO Academy Team

Article : Salary vs. Equity vs. Time aka ‘The Startup Conundrum’

Probably, the hardest question in job interviews is, “How much is your asking salary?”
Quite often, we’re very much conservative in answering this question fearing that the hiring team would find us expensive. 

Then, we’re hired. We share our talents and even give an extra mile. Later on, we feel our salaries are not enough for the work we spent. 

Do we really know our worth? Let’s revisit one of our articles, Salary vs. Equity vs. Time aka ‘The Startup Conundrum’ to know how we can best know our own value in the work place.


Time Management For The Time-Challenged

How do you make 8 hours a day work? In the office, sometimes it’s always huddles in the morning, chat time with colleagues during the first half of the day, some longish meeting after lunch, and the real work happens 2 hours before log-out. 

It’s a different thing when you’re working remotely because there are a lot of distractions and unforeseen circumstances like family emergencies and the sight of your very comfy bed. It’s hard when your worth is basically measured through your output and no one gets to supervise you unlike in the office.

Kristi Hedges teaches us how to manage our day and guess what? You don’t need to be anal about it!

Read the article here.


When Open Plan Offices are Bad News For Employees

Google pioneered the concept of open plan offices — work environments that seem like one huge home. Everyone can work comfortably in a sofa or in the pantry thinking that it would boost team productivity.

Later on, other companies followed designing their workspaces to become instagram-able. What would be more awesome than your employees boasting how fun and awesome your office is? It attracted a lot of millennials too!

Unfortunately for some, hearing their colleagues’ loud music, colleagues hiding somewhere when meetings are about to start, and their line managers freely snooping into their laptop screens (to name just a few) are not part of the package. When Open Plan Offices are Bad News For Employees just tells us why some people think Google got everything wrong.


Memo To Work Martyrs: Long Hours Make You Less Productive

I’m a self-confessed workaholic. I used to clock-in 50 to 60 hours per week when I was still working in the office.
During year-end, I would often just bring clothes for a week and sleep in the office to cut time spent outside. I ended up spending the amount I earned in the hospital; thereby losing human hours of work because of my absence.

Unfortunately, I’m still workaholic but I am not spending the same crazy hours. Thanks to Andrew for telling me to log-out whenever he sees my Slack light up late at night.

CNBC’s article, Memo To Work Martyrs: Long Hours Make You less Productive, reminds me self-care should be everyone’s priority. A good night’s rest at home is better than confinement in the hospital. 

Quote of the Day

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” 
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Until next time …
May you have a happy Friday and a restful weekend!

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