CTO Academy Blog

We don't just talk tech leadership, we explore the mindset of leadership, the future of leadership and occasional bits of news about us ...

The Hiring Conundrum : Promote vs. Recruit

The business is going gangbusters. The team is starting to creak under increasing pressure. The CEO is demanding quick hires to plug the gaps. What to do? Recruit internally and know what you’re getting or, hire externally to find the right expertise but potentially disrupt team cohesion? Internal Promotion If you’re growing quickly, you will […]

Managing a Team (and their external pressures)

Managing a team is not only about managing people, but understanding that some reactions in work, are all to do with pressures away from work. This article looks at our experience of some unusual external factors and why it’s important to manage with empathy

Salary vs. Equity vs. Time aka ‘The Start Up Conundrum’

Why do we turn up for work?  Why do we burn that midnight hour trying to breath life into an invisible start up? Altruism, the craic or just those (soon to be restricted) free beers from the We Work fridge? Maybe for you it’s some or none of the above but, what it should be […]

What is the CTO Salary in the USA in 2023?

Do you know why some chief technology officers can drive very attractive salary and equity packages while others can’t? This post looks at the average CTO salary in the USA in 2023 across cities, states and organizations, examining the determining factors that affect the bottom line for tech leaders working in US companies. Just to […]

How to become a CTO?

For most C-suite roles there is generally a linear relationship between the skills they develop through their career and the skills required at an executive level.  The CMO has been on various marketing courses, the CFO has been mastering a balance sheet for years and the sales director comes from the school of hard cold […]

Importance of Management Skills to CTO Training

What should a CTO management training course look like? What management skills do you require to become a high value CTO? With most c-suite roles, progression through the ranks involves a natural and ongoing development of skills that equip the ambitious to reach the top. The CTO career path requires a more jagged turn as […]

Some of the realities, About start up salaries

As a rock star developer, what are your career (remuneration) options? An above average salary at investment bank or hedge fund, but with long hours and little control Public body where, you earn less, but the hours and benefits (particularly those juicy pensions) are better and more comforting Large company where you benefit from the […]

8 Steps to be effective in Board Meetings

Board meetings can be an intimidating environment even for those of us familiar with the arena. Who does what? Who are the key players? How can you increase your impact? But they also provide the CTO with a very visible opportunity to circulate updates, ideas and generate feedback from the key managers within your organisation. […]

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