We’re often asked to explain the difference between the roles defined as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO).
A distinction between the two can be confusing and there is often crossover but the easiest way to define the difference is that the CIO is looking inwards and is responsible for the technologies that help run the business itself, whilst the CTO is outward looking with a focus on creating technology for the customer and the market.
Chief Information Officer
Chief Technology Officer
We might be called CTO Academy but we often work with CIO’s especially as their role is changing rapidly and becoming ever more strategic. It’s why the modern and effective CIO needs to build a broad range of management and softer skills that go way beyond traditional expectations of the role.
To find out more about how CTO Academy can help, please visit our website.
90 Things You Need To Know To Become an Effective CTO
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